Tag Archives: JavaScript

Quick Notes: Putting the “distributed” in CDN

I wrote yesterday that Google appeared to have taken the distributed out of their public CDN hosting a variety of JavaScript libraries. I even provided some trace routes comparing their CDN to Microsoft’s. I was wrong.

Quick Notes: Taking the “distributed” out of CDN

Over on Twitter @bobearth prompted me to do run some trace routes against the Google CDN and compare it to the Microsoft CDN. It appears Google have taken the distributed network out of their CDN.

Quick Notes: Caching Google’s WebFont Loader

As with Google’s other hosted libraries, providing a more specific version number of webfont.js will effect browser caching.

Behind the Websites: HTML5: I couldn’t (quite) do it

I found it difficult to use pure and semantic HTML5 when dealing with current versions of Internet Explorer. I really tried to adopt the commonly advocated view that it’s okay to require website visitors have JavaScript enabled but settled on a different option I could actually live with.

Quick Notes: How @font-face loads in different browsers

Why do you sometimes see the fonts change on a website after it loads? This is just one of the many ways browsers behave differently, as explained in this quote from Richard Rutter.

Behind the Websites: A half-baked (CSS) idea

Spritebaker has done the rounds a fair bit in web development circles over the past few weeks. It’s a great idea, done well. The only problem is it has the strange effect of making it seem like the page is actually taking longer to load. I take a look at a possible solution.

Behind the Websites: jQuery 1.5 as jQuery 1.5.0

When jQuery 1.4 was released, the Google URL being publicised by the jQuery team was http://…/jquery/1.4/jquery.min.js – while Google had set it up as http://…/jquery/1.4.0/jquery.min.js. I had problems with this seemingly minor difference.

Behind the Websites: JavaScript Localisation in WordPress

I was asked on Twitter recently if it’s possible to pass WordPress data to JavaScript, wp_localize_script() is the tool to do it with.

Behind the Websites: Delay Print Stylesheets Plugin

A few weeks ago I wrote a post in which I adapted an idea from a zOompf article to delay the loading of print stylesheets until after a web page has fully rendered. I’ve decided to convert the code from the original post into a plugin and add it to the WordPress plugin directory.

Behind the Websites: Delay loading of print CSS

Recently I stumbled across an article detailing browser performance with the CSS print media type. In most recent browsers the print stylesheet held up rendering.

The article suggested a solution, which I decided to automate for WordPress.